It's amazing how it can go from nothing to abundance in the span of a few weeks. While it seems to take forever to warm up, now things are bursting forth. The cherry trees are beautiful right now and the apples are just on the cusp of blooming. Meanwhile in the garden, the tulips and daffodils are putting on a show and what a welcome one it is! Not even last week's snow could get them down.
I got to make a few special Mother's Day arrangements using only flowers and branches from my garden, which was so exciting after months of winter. The arrangement above (made for my mom!) features my new favourite tulip, 'Brown Sugar.' I love the caramel-orange and pink tones in it. I also can't believe my luck this year with daffodils! I planted only three varieties since they've never performed well for me in the past, but they've all sprouted and begun to bloom. As promised, 'Barret Browning,' the large white and orange daffodil, was up early and is a vigorous performer, with several flowers per bulb. Sweet little 'Minnow' has also started to bloom in the last few days and is the pale yellow flower you see hanging around the lip of the urn.
While the nights are still cool, I am already looking ahead to when I can plant the dozens of dahlias and other seedlings growing all over the house. I have to remember to just enjoy each day and not be too impatient. Hope you are also taking time to enjoy the spring weather and growing abundance!
'Brown Sugar' tulip
A small centerpiece featuring bleeding hearts, apple branches, 'Minnow' daffodils, blue scilla, vinca, violets, and the first 'Angelique' tulip
Took this photo as the sun was starting to set which seemed fitting given its dusky base colours - this arrangement features whole violet plants, vinca, forget me nots, apple and saskatoon branches, and the first beautiful stems of bleeding heart.